Tuesday 9 July 2013


Welcome to the synthesis of intelligence and idiocy, a new world, and you are all invited. Let us create, play and slay the dragons of our inhibitions.

Idiot  -  An utterly foolish or senseless person.
         -  A person with a mental age of less than 3 years old and an IQ of less than 25.

Intellectual -  A person possessing intellect or greater mental capacity.
                  -  A person given to study, reflection and speculation.

Idiotllectual - Me, you, everybody.  

I want to exist where the two meet – I want to be every person I have ever been.

Here’s how I came to this realisation and it’s not pretty, an instance of stupidity beyond the call of duty. 

Upon trip to the Isle of Wight I purchased a bottle of cider, I think it was from a English Heritage country house or something, it was a ‘this is special lsle of Wight cider’ type of thing, so being a connoisseur of the various kinds of fermented apples, or pretending I was, I bought the cider.

3 or 4 days, maybe a week later, I think it was a sunny day and I fancied a cold alcoholic beverage, I retrieved my bottle from the fridge and examined it proudly, you knew it was good because it was wrapped in that silvery tin foil stuff around the top, proper posh like, excessive and shiny. 

I went straight for the corkscrew, I was gonna pop that mofo and slurp it down, I punctured the top with the metal screw and twisted it down hard and the two arms lifted in a satisfying hailing to the gods of cider. I pushed the arms down and...punck... the screw didn’t take, popping out and leaving a small hole in the cork. Fuck, stupid thing, again and again this went on for 15 – 20 minutes. At which point, in a defeated annoyance, I opted to go for a can from the fridge and that’s where the story ends... unless you consider the fact that a few days later I decided to have another go, with the same results until, in my annoyance, I peeled the foil around the top to discover the bottle actually had a screw top and was not corked at all.

Now, this does strike me as a being a tad stupid, is there a philosophy to incorporate this behaviour? Probably, but just in case there isn’t: Kapow, here’s one.

Stupidity is, in a way, much more interesting than intelligence, people seem to take their intelligence so seriously.  I wouldn’t have had such a story or realisation if I had simply pulled off the foil and opened the bottle. I mean, I do have a providence of intelligence too, I have an MA and managed to successfully negotiate the intricacies of running a company as well as being moderately well-read and knowledgeable on a range of subjects, but I don't really have any remarkable stories about those things. 

I don’t want to privilege stupidity – that would be stupid, but create a synthesis, a mutual conversation.

Here we are stuck in the middle, not between common sense and book-smart, but between knowing and innocence.

In short:  Eat cheese, get drunk, read Nietzsche, watch romantic comedies, write an opera, play the cello, chase dogs down alleys, paint classical portraits, eat something after its been on the floor, read poetry out loud, smile at strangers, spell fings wrong, correct peoples’ grammar, fall over in ridiculous ways, ballet dance, create, destroy, create again, weep, laugh, high five your own stupidity then shake hands with your wisdom; or vice versa.

The Idiotllectual deals with with news articles and current events. My views, as ridiculous as they sometimes are, never seem to be represented in the media and so here is an attempt at seeing if they are possible to explicate. I don't strive for any themes or cogent weltanschauung, just an instinctive engagement with the world.

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